Saturday, March 28, 2015

Laudation of the Mother of God

Stojanche Andov
The sermon was delivered at St. John the Baptist' Church (ROCOR) 
in Washington DC
March 28, 2015

       In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit!
       We have none other help, we have none other hope, but thee, O Pure Mother of God – help us! In thee we hope, and of thee we boast, for we are thy slaves. Let us not be put to shame. (Kontakion).
       Dear brothers and sisters,
      At this point in Great Lent, the Orthodox Church has instituted this day to be a Laudation to the Mother of God. We entreat Her, so that She can console our souls and give us joy while we struggle in Lent. Yesterday evening, we sang the Akathist to our Most Holy Theotokos. We sang to Her “Rejoice...” because in that blessed evening, the Most Holy Heavenly Queen, our Mother, has embraced Her children. It is not something new for a mother to take her child in her arms, and hug her child with love. The Mother of God does the same to us. What a great mercy from the Heavenly Queen!
      The Holy Tradition of the Orthodox Church tell us the following: there was a holy Father who had a vision. He was taken by an angel to the Heavens. There, he saw many of the Saints. He was glad to see them, but he did not see the Holiest of all the Saints, and asked the angel: “I saw almost all the Saints, but I did not see the Theotokos. Where is She?” The angel answered him: “Most of the time She is down, on the earth, helping people.” Is this not a confirmation that Mother of God indeed inrerceeds for us at all times? Often we are not aware of how much She helps us, but She does.
       Now, let us say a few words about the origins of the celebration of this day. In the seventh century, in the Byzantine Empire, there was a period wherein there where many struggles because of the attacks of the enemies from all sides. It was almost hopeless, and the situation was uncertain for Constantinople. So, Patriarch Sergious blessed to have a procession around the city that was besieged. He himself and others took the wonderworking Hodigitria Icon of the Mother of God around the city. Along with the Icon, the Robe of the Most Holy Theotokos was taken for the procession as well. What happened next? When the procession came to the waters of the Bosporus, the clergy touched the holy objects, and a miracle took place. The sea, which was calm, all of a sudden became turbulent, and swallowed the fleet of the enemies. By the protection of the Mother of God, the city was saved. After this, the people gave thanks to the Heavenly Queen in the church of Blachernae, serving an all night Vigil. There are also a few more similar cases of deliverance of the city by the intercession of the Theotokos. Therefore, the Orthodox Church established a day of laudation to the Mother of God for Her constant protection of the Christian race.
      Yesterday an Akathist was served to Her, let us now ask Her not to despise our humble laudation, but accept it as our thanksgiving to Her!
      The Mother of God has a higher place than even the Cherubim and the Seraphim. She willingly agreed to give birth to the Saviour of the world, our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, She has special magnification among the angelic world and the Saints. If She did not give birth to our Savior, the redemption of fallen man would not have been fulfilled, and our life would have been in vain. Through the birth of her Son and Our God, She opened the doors of salvation for each soul who desires to be saved. Even after Her blessed dormition, She stayed connected with people as we sing in the troparion on that Feast: In falling asleep you did not forsake the world, O Theotokos... And by your prayers, you deliver our souls from death. These words tell us that She is always with us. One of our contemporary Athonite Saints, venerable Silouan has said: If it hadn't been for the Mother of God, I would have perished in my sins. These words can be looked at in two ways. One is that through Her giving birth to Christ, salvation came to this world, and the other being that She is an intercessor for us to Her Son to be merciful to us.
        Who is the Mother of God according to the Holy Fathers, and how have they understood Her?
St. Dionysius the Areopagite, Bishop of Athens visited the Mother of God, and wrote to St. Paul:
    It is impossible for the human mind to grasp what I have seen not only with the eyes of my soul, but with my bodily eyes, too. I have seen with my own eyes the most beautiful and holy Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ...That time was for me a time of supreme happiness, I thank the most high and most gracious God, and the Divine Virgin.
St. Ignatius the God bearer, a disciple of the Apostle John wrote:
     If it is made possible, I intend to come to you in order to see the faithful gathered in Jerusalem,  and especially the Mother of Jesus: they say of her that she is honorable, affable, and arouses wonder in all, and all wish to see her. But who would not wish to see the Virgin and to converse  with her who bore the true God? With us she is glorified as the Mother of God and Virgin full of grace and virtue. They say of her she is joyful in troubles and persecutions, does not grieve in poverty and want, and not only does not get angry with those who offend her, but does good to to them still more... All who see her are delighted.
     My beloved, the Mother of God, through Her obedience corrected the disobedience of Eve. It has been said: Christ is the New Adam, and the Theotokos is the New Eve, whose obedient submission to the will of God counterbalanced Eve's disobedience in Paradise.
      I would like to share with you something that I heard a few years ago. It was the period of the Dormition fast. In one particular monastery, the abbot of the convent told the nuns that they are going to have All-night Vigil to the Theotokos. This Vigil was to last twelve hours. The nuns were filled with joy, and exclaimed to the abbot: “we are going to have All-Night Vigil to our Mama.” My dear ones, doesn't this sound sweet to our ears? These words are touching even to the bottom of our hearts. Personally, I was very touched, when I heard these words, and until now, when I thinks of some celebrations to the Theotokos, I say to myself: “We are going to glorify our Mama.”
When we pray in our sacred place, which is our room, and in our private prayers, it is nice to address to Her with the word “Mama,” for She is indeed Mother to all of us.
      Mothers can pray to Her because She is the Mother of Jesus Christ our God. She knows what motherly sacrifice is, and what maternal pain is. Ask Her to protect your children from the nets in this world.
      Fathers, kneel down in prayer to the Theotokos and ask Her to bless your family and to pray to God for your children, that they become good Orthodox Christians that steadfastly hold to all that is moral and good, living as true champions of the virtues.
     Children and youth, when you have temptations or feel sad about something, ask your Heavenly Mother to deliver you from the evil one and cover you and protect you with Her Omophorion. You are young, and many times do not know which way to go in your lives. Pray to Her to help you. If you ask Her, She will hear your supplication and will guide you.
     Let us all today and throughout our lives, give praise to our most pure Lady, the Mother of God for Her motherly love towards us and for Her protection to those who love God.
     My dear brothers and sisters, I love the Theotokos very much, and I am sure you all do as well. She is our Mama, who never leaves us. We are Her little infants who are under Her protection. She is the light of our darkened souls after Christ, She is our hope, protection, refuge, consolation, and our joy.
     Therefore, let us all cry out to Her with the following words: All my hope I place in thee, O Mother of God: keep me under thy protection. 
                      O most holy Theotokos, save us!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Искушение; Temptation

Фебруари 14, 15

Знаете што е искушение? Кога многу сакам да јадам јаболкова пита, а денес на ручек на сите маси имаше јаболкова, а на мојата само од цреши. :-)
Do you know what is temptation? When I love apple pie so much, but at today's lunch on all the tables there was apple pie, but there was cherry pie on my table. :-)

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Запис од поклонението на Светите Мошти во Колумбос; Record from the Veneration of the Holy Relics in Columbus

English version is bellow the Macedonian 

Великопосна радост!

Кога Бог ќе го благослови секое богоугодно дело, благословено е. Без Него ништо не се случува, и сѐ што се случува во Црквата е во знаење Негово. Чудесна е нашата правослвна вера. Понекогаш минуваме низ многу искушенија, ама од друга страна радостите кои ги ги излива Св. Дух се неизбројни. Слатки се. Понекогаш посакувам таквите радости да не запираат. Што би биле, ние луѓето, без Бога, без мајчинската љубов на Небесната Царица и наша Мајка, Богородица? По кој пат би тргнале доколку светиите не се застапуваат за нас? Без сето ова застапништво би биле како младо дрвце во поле кое ветрот го лула на сите страни, а ако е посилен, тоа младо дрвце ќе се скрши. Ете какви би биле сите ние, без Бога, без Црквата...
       Овој викенд беше радосен за православните македонски христијани во Колумбос, во државата Охајо во САД. За нив се случуваше нешто до сега невидено.

       Сѐ започна вака: Минатата година, 2014, во месецот Октомври, во манастирот Св. Троица во Џорданвил, беше донесена Иверско-Хавајската мироточива Икона на Пресвета Богородица. Заради тоа, отец Душко, свештеник при црквата Успение на Пресвета Богородица со мала група на парохјани дојдоа да се поклонат на иконата. Тој викенд за Џорданвил беше како празник. Пред да си заминат, јас им организирав Молебен кон Пресвета Богородица со што го запечатија нивното поклоничко патување. На крајот им ги изнесов Светите Мошти за да се поклонат. Отец Душко ми пристапи, заедно со ипоѓаконот Ѓорѓи и ми рекоа дека сакаат Моштите да бидат донесени во нивната црква за народот да се поклони. Периодот во кој што имаа желание за тоа да се случи го планираа за во третата недела од Великиот Пост. Овој викенд тоа се случи.
         Секое започнување на нешто, а особено на некое богоугодно дело, потребно е благослов. Неговото Високо Преосвештенство, македонскиот митрополит на оваа Американско-Канадска епархија го даде својот благослов. По ова, подготовките започнаа. На лаиците во Колумбус им се соопшто за овој настан и се поканија да дојдат и да земат учество во оваа радост.
       Светите Мошти пристигнаа доцна вечерта во петок, 13 Март, и од аеродром се упативме во црквата. А таа? Прекрасна катедрална црква на Царицата Небесна. Влегуваш внатре и гледајќи ја Богородица - Ширшаја Небес, чиниш Таа и говори на секоја човечка душа "добредојде, љубенику мој!" Сѐ внатре е убаво! Светите Мошти се уште не беа внесени внатре зашто за следнот ден, сабота, беше предвидено официјален пречек на истите. Беа донесени два кивоти: одниот со свети мошти од следните светители:
- Честица од Чесниот и Животворен Крст Господов.
-Св. Апостол Андреј.
-Св. Јустин, Маченик и Философ.
-Св. Василиј Велики.
-Св. Григориј Богослов.
-Св. Николај Мирликијски.
-Св. Великомаченик и Целител Пантелејмон.
-Св. Великомаченик и Победоносец Георги.
-Св. Јован Руски.
-Св. Јован Кукузел.
-Старец Јосиф Исихаст.
-Камен од Голгота.
-Камен од Гроб Господов.
-Камен од гробот на Богородица.
       Во вториот кивот беше Новиот Завет со потписот на Св. Јован Шангајски, парче од неговата одежда со која што беше погребан и мошти од св. Ефтимиј Велики. Истите беа донесени од едно благочестиво семејство од Колумбос. Исто така беа донесени две копии од чудотворни икона на Пресвета Богородица: Курско-Коренската и Иверско-Хавајската.

       Во саботата, верниците им посакаа добредојде на Светите Мошти. Отец Душко, заедно со ипоѓаконот Ѓорѓи и останатите прислужници ги пречекаа Светите Мошти. Јас, мојата маленкост, ја отворив футролата со Моштите. Отец Душко се поклони, ги целива, ги зема во своите раце и тргнавме кон храмот со пеење на тропарот на Крстот. Светите Мошти беа положени во храмот, од левата страна, и започна воскресната вечерна. По неа, се отслужи Мало Повечерие со Акатист на Пресветата. Сите прислужници го читавме Акатистот. Застанавме пред Светите Мошти и Иконата и секој еден од нас  читаше по еден Икос и Кондак. Прекрасно беше да се види како младите ја и пренесуваат химни на Богородица. Александар, до тогаш не читал такво нешто пред верниците и беше колеблив. Го забележав и му реков: "не грижи се. И да згрешиш нешто, во ред е. Сите правиме грешки. Ти се молиш на Богородица. Не мисли на друго." Тој и уште еден младич, Љубен, читаа на англиски, а останатите двајца на македонски. Таа вечер, во саботата, беше изложена за поклонение копијата од Иверско-Хавајската Икона, а утредента, во неделата, Курско-Коренската. Во саботата, по Малото Повечерие, отец Душко ги помаза лаиците со миро од Хавајската Икона. По ова, во салата, женската секција подготви скромна вечера за присутните.

       Во неделата, пред започнувањето на Божествената Литургија, отец Душко го изнесе на средина Чесниот Крст, со босилок наоколку за да го целиваат верниците. Зборовите "Благословено е Царството..." се слушнаа од устата на свештеникот. Литургијата започна. Византиското пеење го исполнуваше секое место во храмот. Во еден момент додека го слушав ипоѓаконот како ги пее химните, си реков: "Господ уште многу да му дава да пее, а овој наш народ во овој град треба да се радува што има ваков химнословец." Се радував кога видов колку причасници имаше. На крајот од Божествената Литургија, отец Душко одржа проповед, а по неа се случи уште една радост. Направивме литија надвор, околу целата црква. Еден прислужник го носеше крстот, по него ипоѓаконот со Курската икона, двајца од прислужниците ги држеа рипидите над Светите Мошти кој што ги носеше отец Душко и зад него се носеше кивотот со Новиот Завет, одеждите и моштите од св. Ефтимиј Велики. Додека ја правевме литијата, го пеевме тропарот на Крстот, како и "на крстот Твој се поклонуваме, Владико..." По литијата, влеговме во храмот. Понатаму, отец Душко ги помазуваше лаиците со масло од кандилото на св. Јован Шангајски. Верниците се поклонуваа на Светиот Кррст, Светите Мошти и им беше поделувано по една икона од Курско-Коренската, додека пак претходниот ден, во саботата, од Иверско-Хавајската.
По сето ова, во неделата, со Божествената Литургија, се запечати поклонувањето на Светите Мошти во Колумбос, Охајо. Во текот на тој ден, истите беа носени во домовите на неколку верници за благослов и за нивна утеха и радост.

       Што уште да запишам за овој радосен настан? Овде, во Колумбос, запознав неколку семејства кои што ревнуваат во верата. Додека бевме во домот на едно семејство, истите не ја сокриваа радоста од сиот настан, а особено што Светите Мошти беа донесени во нивниот дом. Константно се радуваа, а се радував и јас со нив. Кога отидовме во еден друг дом, со радост гледав како сето семејство се воцрковува и го слави Бога. Им се восхитував на љубовта која што ја покажуваа кон Бога. Вакви православни семејства ни требаат. А пак нивните деца... двајца од нив се тинејџери. Едниот од нив е Александар за кој што погоре веќе напишав. Пленуваа со нивната вера која што ја имаа во себе. Нивното братче е мало. Златно детенце. Името му е Андреј. Има шест години, но може сите нас да не учи како да се однесуваме во храмот Божји. Истото детенце пристапи кон Светите Мошти, се прекрсти правилно и ги целиваше. Им реков на родителите: "Ние треба да учиме од него за како правилно да се крстиме и однесуваме во храмот."
       Во овој град, при оваа црква видов верен народ. И не само тоа. Таа црковна општина, во Колумбос, беше прва која што организираше вакво поклонение на Св. Мошти во САД, па и во Канада. Уште во Октомври, кога им се вроди идејата за сето ова, отец Душко ми рече дека со донесување на свети мошти, сака да го доближи народот поблиску во верата, особено за време на постот, зашто знаеме дека вакви свети работи Бог ни ги дал за духовна утеха и радост на нас, православните христијани. За многумина, да не кажам речиси за сите, во Колумбос овој настан беше нешто кое што до сега го немаа видено, ниту пак доживеано. Вакви беа нивните коментари. Патем, се радуваа што Господ ги удостои со ваква духовна утеха и радост.
       Гледајќи ја верата на сите оние кои што ревнуваа за да го организират овој настан и на лаиците кои што пристапуваа да ги целиваат светите мошти и јас се радував и поучував. Во сето тоа ја гледав одговорноста за себе како иден служител во Црквата Христова, зашто да Му се служи на Бога е нешто големо и страшно.
       Му благодарам на Бога за овој благослов, на светиите, а потоа на Митрополитот Методи, отец Душко, ипоѓаконот Георги, на одморот, женската секција и на сите оние кои со ревност и многу љубов го организираа овој настан.
    Семилостивиот да им подари долгоденствие и силна вера и уште поголема ревност!
     По молитвите на Пресветата, со силата на Чесниот и Животворен Крст и на светиите...
                                                                             Подари им, Господи!

                                                                   16 Март, 2015то Лето Господово.
                                                                        Запишано во Колумбос, Охајо, 6:30 наутро.
                                                                             ипоѓакон Стојанче Андов

Сега, нека говорат фотографиите повеќе од овој радосен настан:
(истите се под англиската верзија на текстот)

English version of the text!

Lenten joy!

The real blessing for any pious deed comes only from God! Without Him nothing can happen, and everything that happens in the Church is through His will. Wondrous is our Orthodox Faith! Sometimes we go through many trials, but still joys poured out through the Holy Spirit that often leave us speechless. How sweet they are! Sometimes I wish such a joy to never stop. What would we people become without God and the maternal love of the Queen of Heaven and our Most Holy Birthgiver of God? Which way would we go if the saints would not advocate for us? Without all this representation we would be nothing, but a tiny sprout in the field, threatened to perish by the gusts of wind. We would not be anything, without God and His Church.
This past weekend was joyful for the Macedonian Orthodox Christians from Columbus, Ohio. Something so far unseen to many of them had happen.
This is how it started: Last year, during the last weekend of October, the Myrrh-streaming Iveron-Hawaiian Icon of Mother of God was brought to the Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY. Оn the same occasion, small group of parishioners from the Macedonian Orthodox Cathedral “Dormition of the Most Holy Birthgiver of God” lead by their parish priest Fr. Duško Gorgievski came to venerate the said Icon. That weekend in Jordanville was a festal one. Before their departure back to Ohio, a Molyeben to the Mother of God was held as a seal to their pilgrimage. At the end, I brought the Holy Relics so that they could venerate them. Fr. Duško approached me, together with sub-deacon Gorgi, and they expressed their wish the Holy Relics to be brought to their parish and give the parishioners a chance to venerate them. We agree that the third Sunday of the Great Lent, the Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross would be a good date to organize this.
By the grace of God, this past weekend, that plan became a reality. As a seal to our good will, a blessing from our Metropolitan of America and Canada, His Eminence Metodij was asked and granted. After that, everything needed for this event to happen was put in motion. The faithful from Columbus were informed and properly invited to participate in this celebration.
Holy Relics had arrived late Friday night, on March 13th and from the Airport we headed to the church. There she was, the amazing Orthodox Cathedral dedicated to our Heavenly Queen! Upon entering in the Temple, right above the Altar, there She is, from the fresco named “Wider than the Heavens” as She is saying to every single soul: “Welcome my beloved!”
The official greeting of the relics happened the next day, at the beginning of the Great Vespers service. Following relics were brought for this occasion:
-A piece of the True Cross;
-Holy Apostle Andrew;
-Holy Martyr Justin the Philosopher;
-Saint Basil the Great;
-Saint Gregory the Theologian;
-Saint Nicholas of Myra in Lycia;
-Holy Great Martyr Pantheleimon;
-Holy Great Martyr George the Triumph-bearer;
-Saint Venerable John the Russian
-Saint Venerable John Kukuzel-Koukouzeles;
-Elder Joseph Hesychast;
-A piece of stone from Golgotha;
-A piece of stone from the Holy Sepulchre;
-A piece of stone from the Tomb the Theotokos.
The second reliquary contained the New Testament book signed by Saint John Maximovitch of Shanghai and San Francisco, piece of his burial vestments. In addition to this the relics of the Venerable Euthymios the Great were brought by a pious Macedonian Orthodox family from Columbus.
Two copies of wonderworking icons of the Mother of God, Myrrh-streaming Iveron-Hawaiian and a copy of the Kursk-Root were also brought.
As I previously mentioned, the Holy Relics were greeted Saturday evening at the very beginning of the Great Vespers service. Fr. Duško received them from me, venerated them and together with the sub-deacon Gorgi and the acolytes (altar boys) headed toward the Temple chanting the Troparion of the Cross. The Holy Relics were laid in the Temple on a beautifully adorned table after which the service began. The Small Compline with the Akathist to the Mother of God was also held. All acolytes were participating the chanting of the Akathist in front of the Holy Relics and the Iveron-Hawaiian icon. Both Macedonian and English were used during these readings.
It was such a joy to hear these young people chant hymns to the Most Holy Birth-giver of God. One of the, Aleksandar, who had never read such texts in front of such numerous audience hesitated at the start. I saw this and told him: “Don’t worry. Even if any misreading happens, it’s OK, we all make them sometimes. You pray to the Mother of God, that is important, do not think of anything else.” Him and another youth, Ljuben chanted in English and the rest of us in Macedonian.
After the conclusion of the Small Compline service, Fr. Duško anointed all the present faithful with the myrrh from the original Myrrh-streaming Iviron-Hawaii icon of Mother of God, which copy was displayed during this Vespers service. The next day, during the Divine Liturgy, the copy of the Kursk-Root icon was displayed. After the service, in the church hall a Lenten meal was organized by the Women’s Committee.
Next day, the Sunday of the Cross, according to the custom of the Orthodox Church, a platter adorned with basil twigs with the Cross on top of it was brought by Fr. Duško from the altar to the middle of the Temple to be venerated. “Blessed is the Kingdom…” was heard from the mouth of the priest. The Divine Liturgy began. So called “Byzantine” style chanting filled the Temple. While listening to the sub-deacon’s chanting, for a moment I thought: “May God grant him to chant many years. This faithful people of ours should be happy to have him.” I was glad to see how many people were forming the line to receive the Holy Communion. At the end of the Holy Liturgy and the priest’s sermon, a Litia procession was held outside the Church. Headed by the Cross bearer, followed by the sub-deacon holding the copy of the Kursk-Root icon of the Mother of God, two acolytes held the hexapterygas (ripidion) above the reliquary carried by Fr. Duško which was followed by the relics of Saint Euthymios in the reliquary with the St. John’s New Testament. The Cross Troparion and the hymn “We venerate Thy Cross…” was chanted during this Litia procession.
At the very end, the faithful were anointed with the oil from the lamp above the relics of Saint John Maximovitch in San Francisco. Both days people were given gifts to take home together with the anointment: Saturday night they got pocket size copy of Iveron-Hawaiian icon and after Sunday’s Liturgy they left with pocket size copy of the Kursk-Root icon.
During that afternoon, the Holy Relics were taken to few homes of the faithful for their comfort, blessing and joy.

What else I can note from this joyful event?
Here in Columbus I was pleased to meet Orthodox families that practice their Faith with fervor. They simply could not hide their joy and gratitude to be a witness to such rare event, especially those to whom the Holy Relics were brought home. They rejoiced, and I rejoiced too. In another home, I witnessed the churching of the whole family, and their zeal for glorifying God. I was deeply impressed by their love of God. And their children…two of them are teenagers. One of them is Alexsander, of whom I have already spoken. I admired their faith. The youngest of them is such a adorable boy, his name is Andrew. He is only six, but he can give us a good lesson on Church services etiquette. After I saw Andrew crossing himself and venerating the Holy Relics, I said to his parents: “All of us can learn from him.”
In this city, in that Church I met many faithful people. This is the first Macedonian Church in Canada and USA that organized such event. In his initial request, during his last October visit in Jordanville, Fr. Duško told me that he wants such an event to happen in order to bring the people closer to the Faith, especially during the Great Lent, knowing that will usher a feeling of spiritual joy and comfort to his flock. For many, this event was something they had never witnessed or experienced before, Such were their comments, and they were grateful that God had granted them to witness it. Their joy and comfort overflow my heart too.
I found myself aware of the responsibility as a future minister of the Christ’ Church, because to serve in the presence of the Living God is grand task and terrifying honor too. I am thankful to God, his Saints for these blessings, thanks to our Metropolitan Metodij, Fr. Duško, sub-deacon Gorgi, the acolytes, the Church Board, Women’s Committee and all of those who took part in organizing this event with fervor and love. May the All-Merciful God grant them many years, strong faith and stronger fervor to endure!
Through the intercessions of the Most Holy Birth-giver of God, through the power of the Life-giving Cross and all the saints…
Grant this O Lord!

March 16th 2015 Year of Our Lord.
Written in Columbus, Ohio, 6:30 in the morning.
Sub-deacon Stojanche Andov
Translated by: Sub-deacon Gorgi Gurchinovski

Now, let the pictures talk about that joy event:

Од саботата навечер - пречек на Светите Мошти, воскресно-вечерна богослужба со петолебие и Мало Повечерие со Акатист на Богородица.

From Saturday evening: greetings of the Holy Relics, Great Vespers, and Small Compline followed by Akathist to Theotokos.

Благословување на петолебие.

Blessing of the five breads.

 Сите прислужници земаа учество во читањето на Акатистот на Пресветата.

All altar boys took participation in reading the Akathist to the Theotokos.

Недела, од Божествената Литургиа и литијата околу црквата

Sunday, from the Divine Liturgy and the Procession around the Church

Литија со Светите Мошти околку црквата.

Procession with the Holy Relics around the church.

Златното детенце Андреј. Да учиме од него!

The adorable Andrew. Let as all learn from him!

Македонската православна катедрална црква, Успение на Пресвета Богородица

The Macedonian Orthodox Cathedral of the Dormition of Theotokos.

Со наши благочестиви православни македонци, златни дечиња и млади.

With a good, pious Orthodox (Macedonian) families and adorable kids and youths.