Thursday, June 26, 2014

God is my witness, I heard sounds of censing!

On the occasion of 20 years  anniversary of St. John's glorification (1994-2014), and with the blessing of the priest who serves at the Cathedral where St. John's relics are, I dare to share this miracle with you, who I love you:

    Through the prayers of our Lord and St. John, the great miracle worker of our times whom I truly love, I, a sinner, was found worthy to experience the following:

I flew in San Francisco the night after the Feastday of Nativity of Our Lord, with the intention to venerate the relics of St. John. I try to go on this pilgrimage at least once every year, and I usually stay there for a whole week. During that time I try to read Akathist to St. John by his relics, visit the places where he lived and served… in one sentence: I try to be close to him as much as possible.

 I felt the same way during this pilgrimage too. I was happy to learn that on January 13th (2013) at 10pm, a Vigil followed by Liturgy was scheduled to be served in honor of St. Basil the Great in the Monastery St. Tichon of Zadonsk (the place were St. John lived). The service lasted from 10pm until 1:30am. The Liturgy was served by the Archbishop of San Francisco and West America, Kiril, while bishop Theodosy was leading the kliros. The service was wonderful! While standing in Church on prayer, I was thinking about how a few decades ago St. John himself was serving daily Liturgies here, in the same Church! 
       I received Holy Communion during the Liturgy. When the service ended, everyone headed over to the lower floor to have a meal together. However, I decided not to go, thinking, “This is my chance to pray to St. John in his cell!” I read an Akathist to the Most Holy Mother of God and to the holy vladyka Johni. While reading the Akathist to Theotokos, I was feeling a spiritual joy, especially because I had a chance to pray alone in St. John’s cell. I could feel an immense grace all around me. As I was reading the Akathist, I heard sounds of censing. I heard these sounds 3-4 times. While trying to concentrate on my prayers, I thought that maybe one of the readers was folding the bishop’s vestments, although the sounds that I heard were different and louder! Furthermore, I knew that this was not possible since I saw everyone go downstairs and I was all alone. However, at that point, I dared not to think of anything else but continued with my prayers.
After I finished reading both Akathists, I felt tired, so I sat on the armchair in the cell, to rest a little. I wanted to fall asleep, but I couldn’t ii. So, I was just sitting and resting. An hour after I sat down (two hours after the Service ended) Fr. Anthony, a monk who lives in St. John’s house, entered the cell. Whenever I meet a person who had known St. John, or has some information about his life, I always ask them to share their experiences and knowledge with me. Since Fr. Anthony was living here, and I had heard that sometimes people who lived in this house hear sounds of someone walking down or climbing up the stairs (obviously, St. John) I decided to ask him if he had experienced something similar. Fr. Anthony answered that he hasn’t heard any such sounds, but he sometimes hears sounds of censing in the house. The moment he said this, I got chills all over my body, and was moved to tears. I got a feeling like something was burning inside of me…I cannot even find the right words to describe how I felt. I simply couldn’t believe what was happening. I was crying and at the same time feeling extremely happy. It was interesting to me that I didn’t even think of asking Fr. Anthony about the sounds of censing that I heard, and there he was, telling me that he had heard sounds of censing too!

Being cautious not to fall into a deception, I decided to discuss my experience with bishop Theodosy, who also lives at St. Tichon’s and has a great knowledge regarding these matters. I went to him two days later, and told him everything about my experience. Bishop Theodosy said that there was a great possibility that it was St. John who I heard censing. He explained that, since St. John was censing in that house while he was alive, he sometimes lets people who love him and are spiritually close to him to hear him still serve there.
      I am writing this testimony as I personally experienced it. May it be for my humbleness and for the glory of St. John, who until present day has not left us without his prayers. Even today he is still alive, as he, himself, has said, “Although I have died, I am alive!” His presence is especially felt in San Francisco, in the house where he lived.
I love St. John immensely. My love towards him grew even stronger since I came to study here, in USA, and it continues to grow more and more! It is very interesting that, every year that I go to him, I either experience something new and beautiful, or I receive something from St. John. Last year I received something that I will not talk about in this writing, but I will say that it was very special to me. This year, he vouchsafed me to hear the censing.
Glory be to the Most Holy Trinity, to the Mother of God, and now, especially, to St. John for the mercy that he showed towards me! That night at St. Tichon’s, the grace that filled St. John’s cell and especially the censing that I heard will always stay in my heart! I will rejoice because of St. John’s blessings!

        Rejoice, O holy hierarch, father John, speedy helper amid misfortunes!

Stojance Andov from Macedonia
A third year student in the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary
in Jordanville, New York
Written on January 16th, 2013, at 10:30pm in West California, USA

1. I love calling St. John “vladyka”. I know that this is how he was addressed by many while he was alive, and this is how I feel him closer.
2. Whenever I get a chance to go to St. John’s cell, if there is enough time, I try to fall asleep in his armchair, because I feel that in this way I will be even closer to the saint who didn’t have a bed, but only rested in this same armchair.

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