Thursday, March 24, 2016

I am thirsty!

March 21st, 2016
Composed and written on the Oahu island, Hawaii

This text, the pictures and the videos cannot be copied without the permission of the author of the article.

The first week of Great Lend has started. Our merciful Lord made us worthy to spend some time in Hawaii and to venerate the myrrh-streaming holy icon of the Theotokos, Iveron-Hawaiian. This Holy Icon resides here, in the city of Honolulu. In Wednesday's evening, at 6:15pm we went in church for the Great Compline, during which the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete was read. The myrrh-streaming Holy Icon was present as well. Just as I had seen the Icon last time in NY, so this time She was entirely covered with myrrh. From the very beginning when you enter in the little church, the fragrance of the Holy Icon tells you to greet the Heavenly Queen. After the church service was finished, the ikonophoros (the icon keeper) brother Nectary went to one of the hospitals on this island to visit a patient who was in coma, a Roman Catholic by religion. That same night (Wednesday 16th, 2016) a miracle happened. Brother Nectary, with a blessing of his spiritual father, shared the miracle with his parishioners. Likewise I asked him for his permission to share the same miracle with all of you for the glory of God. This is what happened and what brother Nectary wrote:

Dear Parish Family,

After speaking with my spiritual father (who's in Greece) a few moments ago, I received his blessing to share with people a miracle that occurred last night on our island, involving our Miracle-working Iveron Icon.  I hope it brings you comfort.  
After the Great Canon service last night, I was asked to visit a coma patient named Duke at Castle Hospital in Kailua.  I was invited by a Roman Catholic family, who have been to our parish many times to venerate the holy Icon.  In fact, one of their family members was healed of cancer after being anointed with myrrh from the Iveron Icon.  
We finished the canon service a little before 8pm and I arrived at the hospital around 8:20 or so.  Several family members were patiently waiting for the Mother of God, to escort us to intensive care.  They had been waiting for over two hours.  Security let us in, and we proceeded to the second floor. 

I noticed that Bishop John Frederick was there.  His Grace Bishop John is a Chaldean (Assyrian) Catholic bishop who resides here in the islands.  He has a small parish in Waipahu.  He has been to our church several times to venerate the Holy Icon.  He is a friend.  He is highly regarded in the local Roman Catholic community.
As the Iveron Icon was escorted into the ICU, we were required to wear masks, gloves, etc, so as not to bring in any outside bacteria or contamination, standard procedure in the hospital nowadays.  I approached the young man, in his 40s (I imagine?), and noticed he was hooked up to various machines, a breathing apparatus, etc.  I removed the Holy Icon from Her carrying bag (Chuhol), and placed Her on the hospital bed, next to his head.  I then anointed him with the Holy Myrrh.
The family asked me to lead a simple prayer service for the sick, according to Orthodox custom.  They were not too familiar with our Church traditions.  I was happy to oblige. 
I chanted a basic prayer service; the introductory prayers, Trisagion hymns, psalms, and finally the prayer to the Mother of God that I usually read when I make hospital visits with the Holy Icon throughout the country.  When asked, I visit anyone who’s sick, including non-Orthodox Christians.  

As we came to the part of the prayer where we ask the Mother of God to lay her Veil upon the individual, the coma patient, Duke, grabbed my hand, opened his eyes, and said, “I'm thirsty.”  A shock to all of us to say the least.  I could barely finish the prayer, it was very emotional.  The Intercessions of the Mother of God are quick indeed.   “I'm thirsty,” those words are a reflection of Christ’s words on the Cross.
The family related, that they were talking to him all day, whether he could hear them or not, and letting him know that the Mother of God is coming to visit him that day.  She did, in more ways than one.
Please keep Duke and his family in your prayers.  I found out today, after additional tests, they cannot find any meningitis in his system.  And God willing, after more additional tests, will be releasing him from the hospital.  He's awake and alert and eating.  Praise God!
There have been many miracles attributed to the Mother of God through our humble little Icon, but this is the newest, and I wanted to share this miraculous story with you, to give you encouragement during this Lenten season.  I hope it does.
This time of year is filled with a massive onslaught of demonic temptation.  We are all affected by it.  

Remember that throughout this time, the Lord is with us, and here in Hawaii the Mother of God has taken a particular interest in our well being.  She loves us, and wants us to succeed in our path home to Christ Our Lord.
May the Mother of God watch over all of us and keep us safe under Her sacred Omophorion (Veil).
In Christ’s love,

Subdeacon Nectarios, a sinner “

The meeting is the Holy Icon in Hawaii! 

One of the reasons I like Hawaii is because of the myrrh streaming Holy Iveron-Hawaiian Icon of Mother of God. I love her so much and each opportunity that I have to see this Icon, I spend time with Her as much as I can. We were blessed to spend the entire day with Her, at church, at home and even I was blessed to have the Icon in my room for a few hours. I commemorated you all who asked me to pray for you.
This Icon resides here in Hawaii and it started to stream myrrh in the year of 2008. I've never seen so much myrrh coming out of a wonderworking Icon. We seek miracles today? Isn't this one of the many? You stand in front of the Icon and you see with your own eyes the miracle of streaming myrrh. This is how much Mama loves us!
I share all of this not with pride but with a humility so that you could also rejoice through this grace and for all of you who love Mother of God, I know you do rejoice as much as I do.
Love you all!

The moment when the Holy Icon was opened.

O Most Holy Theotokos save us!

1 comment:

  1. How can I adequately thank you for this wonderful story? What a powerful -- eternal-- moment it must have been when Duke said those words, "I am thirsty"!
