Sunday, March 13, 2016

Have mercy on me (us), O God!

March 12, 2016
Carmel, California
"Behold the Bridegroom comes in the middle of the night…”

Yesterday, before I went to bed I was thinking why is there always something missing in our lives? Now that I have grown up and become an adult, this is what I have seen and I'm still seeing it: we are sad because we do not have God in our lives. We say:" we are bored." And we are because we do not have God. We are depressed because we do not have God. Over all, in many situations that we have been in and for our actions, we blame God? We blame Him because our lives are miserable? NO ONE, except ourselves are guilty for the reality that we want to sit on two chairs at the same time. We have time to do everything in this dirty world and for Him we postponed it and we say: “we have time for that, no rush.” I am afraid if the time comes where when we will cry, there would be no one to comfort us. God forbid that! The cup of the patience is almost empty and if it becomes to the point of pouring it out fully...I am in fear of thinking about the consequences.
We human beings are truly forget and it is still a miracle that God still sustains us.

         May the Lord forgive our stupidity.
                    First and foremost I speak for myself!

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