Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Passion Week: Great Wednesday

A Homily delivered at St. John the Baptist,
Greek Orthodox Church,
Carmel, CA
April 27th, 2016

      Dear Orthodox Christians, and those who are going to be baptized,
Here we are, in the third day of the Holy Week

      We just had the Pre-sanctified Liturgy for the last time for this Lenten period and from tomorrow on we will star focusing and meditating on Christ's Passions.
Before we take a trip with our vehicle, we need to make a stop to put some gas, otherwise, we will be left on the middle on the road stranded. This is exactly the same thing with attending church services. How we will understand the Lord's Sufferings if we choose not to attend church and get understanding of the word? It is imperative to listen the reading of the Gospels, and the chanting of the beautiful hymns. Our souls thirst for the living God. It is essential that we are filled with the grace of God. We will lose out on many blessings that God have to offer, if we choose to stay home or go to church occasionally.
I will share something with you: one of my favorite topics that I would like to discuss and to think about is the Sufferings of our Lord Jesus Christ. Many times when I think what He had endured for us, how much He was beaten, and at the end Crucified, I say to myself: It is time to surrender myself onto the Lord. He had done so much for me and without Him I am nothing.

      Yesterday, at the reading of the Gospel from the matins, the following words were read: “He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him – the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day.” John 12: 48. Today don't we reject Christ by our evil actions and darkened thoughts? We see His miracles every day and still we keep our ayes closed as the Jews did.
How many of us confess Christ publicly? Since we are all currently living in the United States, I'll be talking particularly about this country. Today, we don't experience such persecutions (on this land), and yet many are ashamed to cross themselves when they are in public. Our sweet Lord, Jesus Christ came down to earth, became Incarnate, allowed Himself to be humiliated, mocked, beaten by the hands of man, suffered and was crucified for you, me and for every single human being, and this is how we thank Him: many of us are ashamed of His name and fail to make God a priority in our lives. For the sake of the reality, we have to acknowledge that this is the truth today.
      St. John Chrysostom writes the following: “We live on the earth, but we are citizens of the heaven.” The Holy Saints of the Church had this in mind, and bravely, without fear gave up their lifes for Christ. Which of us human beings will stay on this earth forever? None of us. We serve either God or Mammon. We are FOR GOD or AGAINST GOD.
Now let's say a few words about today's Gospel reading: Holy and Great Wednesday: the time of Christ betrayal has come. He already knew that He was going to be Crucified and betrayed by one of His disciples. A woman came to Him wish alabaster jar of very expensive ointment and poured on His head. The actions, the events and the words that Christ spoke to His disciples and to the people vividly testified about His sufferings, Crucifixion and burial, but their spiritual eyes were closed and they could not understand.
If someone is a disciple to a great teacher, that person would be proud to be his follower for he might receive great benefits such as money, respect etc. People do not think of the spiritual things, of the wealth that never gets rust, but on the contrary, the material things that would satisfy the body. Judas, who was one of twelve disciples of Christ, followed Him for the time the Lord Preached the Gospel. He saw so many miracles and still, could not realize Who really Jesus Christ was. The teaching of the Orthodox Church tells us that Judas thought that Christ was a Messiah who very soon will rule with the world and Who will have great power. As time was passing, he became bored of following Christ and felt he was not getting anything out of the deal, so he decided to find another way of rewarding himself: we went to the chef priests and agreed to betray his Master for thirty pieces of silver.
     Beloved brothers and sisters, let us stay away from the Judas of this world and strengthened our Orthodox faith for “our faith is not simply inner matter; it always reflects the times we life as Christians.” Let us have more zeal in this Passion Week and throughout the year. “The zeal also preserves us from sin. Many of the Fathers say that zeal is like a pot boiling on the stove: no fly or any domestic animal comes near to pollute the food that is meant for man only, because of the heat of the stove. But as soon as the fire goes out and the food cools down, the flies approach and leave their impurities in it. The same applies to man's heart: if it burns with zeal for God, it will never be pillaged by thoughts arising from the passion.”
As we approach to Pacsha, let as reflect of sufferings of our sweet Lord Jesus Christ Who endured horrible sufferings for all mankind and for our salvation.
      Beloved, Christ, the Lord is our First Love, therefore REMEMBER THY FIRST LOVE! Amen!  

Stoyan Andov

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