Monday, January 16, 2017

A Stillness Of Its Own

January 11th, 2017, at Tahoe
far away from the world, up on the mountains
where the snow gives its serenity!

       In life you need to know when to seize a golden opportunity and when to ignore passing trivia… Each of us is an unknown pilgrim. The pilgrimage last a lifetime. The further we travel into the landscape of our inner world, the more we learn to the unknown pilgrim in us. Don't ask “who am I?” Ask: “Into what kind of flower am I to blossom?” Rene Gothoni.

     Life is a long journey, an adventure. My journey becomes even grander when I continually discover creation created by the Creator, that earthly beauty. Wise are the words of Dostoevsky when he wrote: The beauty shall save the world. Often, I think in this way: when we are here on earth, in this temporary world, we see such splendid beauty and we enjoy it, then how much more magnificent and delightful is Paradise with its own celestial resplendent beauty? As a human being, I contemplate on this beauty and yet it is not possible to comprehend for its weight is too heavy for my mind. However, on the other side, this magnificent nature here at Tahoe and up in the mountains, adorned with the Lake, unveils the secrets of its beauty which the Mighty One has created. Once, I have heard people complaining why deserts exits as well as mountains and oceans where human beings cannot live. At this time, when I recall of their words, I add the following: better up in the mountains than large cities where people suffocate from its filthiness, immorality, noise pollution in it
     There, in the place of the tranquillity, where the soul finds its peace, nothing can pollute it. The wide garden without a fence is full of fresh fruits which fit the soul. Life is short, but the moment is huge. It is winter season and it will be remembered deeply in my heart for ages. We celebrated the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the day after, here I am, at the lovely Tahoe. The mountains are covered with snow. A plenitude of snow around. The winter is wondrous. 
         Mysterious are her days and each one of them rests the soul. If the blowing of the wind tends to scare, the falling of the snow brings gentle and calm peace as if it wants to tell you: “do not worry, but be untroubled.” This is one of the reasons why I love to walk at the night hours, when the snow quietly falls down and her whiteness lightens the road. It is a feeling that you simply cannot describe – a white light without seeing its end. Those nights are glorious! Everything around is calm, quiet and white. This is another winter beauty that cannot be purchased with money or with anything material. This is to be understood with the heart.
This is one of the many beauties God gave us to enjoy. When I was younger, I had a habit of complaining about the weather. I was doing so for I was blind to see nature's beauty. Today, I regret it. Likewise, I know that my transgressions shall continue to multiply in me, but at the same time, this snowy beauty is teaching me that it is never late to start cleaning up the inner, what has already been polluted. Soon, I will depart from this white quite world and will return to the city, but in the time of my up coming difficulties, these days spent here, will be my reminder who I should strive to be: to be a guide of the whiteness in the heart, to be white as a snow.
     I rejoice with a childish joy for the time that you gave me in this peaceful and worriless place, for this winter joy which shall continue to comfort me in the Eternal Noon of the white mountains. It is good to be at this place that You have made, at the mountains in Tahoe!

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