Friday, April 14, 2017

Unintentional mistakes during Easter (Pascha) that we Christians make!

April 13, 2017
Holy and Great Thursday

     This evening we finished the church service with the reading of the twelve Passion Gospels of our Lord Jesus Christ. He was crucified for us, to redeem us from the primordial sin and bestow us eternal life. This evening we begin the Great and Holy Friday, the day when Christ will be crucified, a day when the whole creation pauses in a struggle to understand the great mystery. For us, the Orthodox Christians it is a day of strict fasting, when we abstain from food and drink through the day, for as long as we can. We also abstain from work and any activities that take us away from the Cross.
     When we contemplate about the terrible sufferings followed by the Crucifixtion, we can get a bit of sense what He did for us and our salvation. I often think of that and every time I think about His sufferings, my heart troubles from the pain and anguish He had. And over all, that terrible pain for me and for every single human being. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to die for us (John 3:15). What a love! What a great love of God towards us, the unobedient children. To die for this world, it means to put aside all concerns at the hands in the One Who holds the world with His Love. To die for this world, it means to revive for the sacrifice which shines from the eternity on daily bases – a Sacrifice that had been offered for everything created.
      There is something that made me write this journal this evening as I was not planning. However, contemplating this evening about the Passions of our sweet Lord Jesus Christ, I wanted to set down and express a sadness that happens every year. We Christians across the country celebrate Easter (Pascha). Have we truly understood its meaning and the essential of it (Easter)? A friend of mine today inspired me to write this down. I met him recently, a lovely young man, full with enthusiasm. From what he told me, he is not religious, but believes in God. Nothing new to me. To all honesty, I feel sorry for those who are not religious, but spiritual. It is like you are chasing your own shade throughout your life and you never get to touch it, neither experience it. Anyway, I will not go further with this one. Perhaps, at another occasion.
A few days ago, I texted him where I invited him to come for Easter at the church where I go to as well as for a Easter reception at my priest's house or the one In San Francisco (I wasn't sure yet which one I was going to) which takes place every year. He texted me back that he cannot come because he will be working until 2am. His response was that on Sunday he will be with his family.
     I took him as an example, but I see same situation among the Americans. Is Easter all about family gathering? What is even worse, we don't even know how to greet each other properly. Instead of saying “Christ is Risen,” we hear around “Happy Eater.” Easter is not about gathering with the family. Yes, family is part of it, but what is the most important part of the feast? We do not built a house from the roof and finish up with the foundations, but it's other way around. Easter is about celebrating the Glorious Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. How can we celebrate this Feast of the Feast? We, as Christians, must attend Easter church service where after the announcing the Resurrection (Easter), we go home where we gather with our family and greet each other with “Christ is Risen.” What a joy to attend the Easter church service and then that joy to bring at home and greet others! There is something special that cannot be explained about the Easter service, indeed. Only those who have attended, would understand what I am talking about. The grace of the Resurrected Lord is immensely and there is nothing left except to rejoice and eat from the “food of the Feast.” Where else we are going to experience this? At home, while having lunch with our family on Easter and have fun? At work? At the club or by simply saying “Happy Easter?” For us, Christians, the church as the Body of Christ, the Easter church service is the place where we hear the glorious announcing “Christ is Risen.” That's where the Feast begins and from there we bring the festive grace in our home and we spread among our dear ones as one holy elder would say: If young people would taste the grace of God just once, it would take a crane to pull them out of His church.
      Our Lord Jesus Christ died for us and for our salvation, to redeem us from the sin. The salvation for the human race was sealed by His Resurrection. This is the essential. Therefore, let us not forget the true meaning and proper celebration of Easter. Many of us celebrate Easter as we were thought. Some of us are not educated enough in it. However, it is not mistake not to know. But when we know that is not proper and we continue to do things on our own way that's when a mistake becomes mistake. There is always time to correct ourselves and offer to Christ a pure and proper celebration for His Resurrection. Therefore, let us give our attention of celebrating His Resurrection properly as it should be for each of one of us Christians. We, Christians, express our faith in actions. Let those actions of ours tell our family, our friend, our neighbors, our beloved one and tell to the whole world “CHRIST IS RISEN!”

                Resurrect our fallen hearts, O Lord!
Andov S.

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