Thursday, August 7, 2014

Крај на еден долг и макотрпен Семестер! The end of the one long super intensive Semester!

Размислувај од различни перспективи во животот!

Think out of the box and pull out your knowledge!

На крајот на тунелот има светлина! :)
Крај на еден долг и макотрпен Семестер во Американскиот Јазичен Институт во универзитетот на Сан Франциско, но сиот труд вредеше.
Познатиот философ од Харвард, Вилијам Ернест Хокинг ќе рече: “Најважниот дел од образованието е оваа инструкција на човекот, она кое го има внатре во себе.
Радост,срце преполно со светлина,топлина,љубов,благодарност...
Слава на Бога за сè!
Нека започне одморот!

There is a light at the end of the tunnel!:)
It was super busy Semester at the American Language Institute in San Francisco State University, but it was worth.
In the middle of twentieth century, the distinguished Harvard philosopher William Ernest Hocking, would say the following: The most important part of education, is this instruction of a man in what he has inside of him. 
Joy, heart full of light, warmth, love, thanksgiving...
Glory be to God for everything!

Let summer begin! :)

Животот е предизвик!

            Еден познат филозоф од средината на дваесетиот век, Вилијам Ернест Хокинг ќе рече: “ Најважниот дел од образованието е оваа инструкција на човекот, она кое го има внатре во себе.” Терминот “учење” може да биде разбран од различни перспективи затоа што секој од нас има свој метод на учење.
Најдобар начин за студирање е да се биде способен да се учи (занимава) и размислува самостојно за студентот да го развива своето знаење и своите идеи. Ова може да биде сторено кога студентот не само го запаметува материјалот, но да науче како да биде отворен и способен за учи со своите сили. Способноста за развивање на тоа знаење може да биде подржано кога студентот ќе биде фокусиран на одредена задача која ќе ја работи долго (long attention span).
До овој заклучок и оваа вештина дојдов ова лето, во Американскиот Јазичен Институт во Университетот на Сан Франциско.
Поминаа цели два месеци со интезивни часеви. Беше макотрпно. Мислам дека во животот никогаш сум немал толку интезивно лето како ова. Секој ден по седум часа во училиште, згора на тоа домашни задачи...премногу беше. Но во исто време вредеше вложениот труд.
Спомените се оние кои ќе ги понесам од овој летен курс. Запознав студенти од разни краеви на светот, особени од Азискиот дел. Та не од Саудиска Арабија, Кина, Јапонија, Кореа, Тајланд...уште од каде веќе немаше. Најмногу ги имаше од Саудиска Арабија. Со неколкумина од нив изградив силна другарска врска. Муслимани се. И што? Зар треба да ги мразам? На почетокот кога видов колку ги има, во мислите ги осудував. Зар треба луѓето да ги осудуваме на прв поглед? Тоа што на Блискиот Исток муслимани убиваат христијани, не значи дека сите муслимани се злобни. Една студентка, Разан, која е муслиманка, вчера ми кажа дека има груги на муслимани кои во “името на Алах” убиваат. Да бидам поедноставен, како што ми кажа таа, “безумни се”. Истите тие убиваат и муслимани кои не им се покоруваат. Како и да е, ова лето, во мојата дружба со нив, видов дека и тие се човечко битие со добри манири. Жалам што на почетокот ги осудив во своите помисли.
Навистина необично е да студираш со студенти од разни земји. Предноста е што сите имамвме можност да дознаеме за нивната земја и култура. Имавме премногу групна колаборација. На почетокот многу ми сметаше, но низ неделите видов дека тоа е добро зашто така учиме да го почитуваме оној кој зборува, да користиме културен јазик кога не се согласуваме со неговата идеја и слично.
А презентациите...ах, колку беа тие интересни. Секој со својот диалект го “кршевме” јазикот.

Спомените никогаш не умираат, затоа овие фотографии нека сведочат за летниот курс и за сета дружба кога ја имавме во Американскиот Јазичен Институт во Университетот на Сан Франциско. 

The Most Effective Way to Learn

           We live in time where so many things are happening and today's man is overwhelmed with informations. Also, the technology has developed quiet fast. There are people with a lot of innovative ideas and every year something new comes out. If we don't follow these electronic gadgets, and if we don't learn how to use them, we indeed would be behind, no matter you like it or not. It is too much, but that's the way as it is. Therefore, learning is a challenging for us and we have a great opportunity to get educated in various subjects. In the middle of twentieth century, the distinguished Harvard philosopher William Ernest Hocking, would say the following: The most important part of education, is this instruction of a man in what he has inside of him. The word “learning” could be understood from diverse perspectives because each of us has own method of learning.
This is why the best way to learn is to be able to study and think independently in order to develop your own knowledge and ideas. This could be done when students don't only memorize the material, but they learn how to be open, and be capable of learning on their own. Also, they should use less technology in class because by using electronic devises constantly, it will make students become lazy and not focused on the lectures. The ability of developing your own knowledge, could likewise be supported by having long attention span.
When students learn how to be open minded, that is to think from different perspective without relying on their books all the time, they will be able to come out of the shell with their knowledge.
In the article “What True Education Should Do”, Sydney Harris depicts students in two different ways: sausage casing and students like oyster. According to his statements, those students who are as sausage casing are memorizing the material and the facts, while those who are like oyster have a chance to develop and use their knowledge. Also, Harris quotes Socrates who says that in each of us there is some hidden knowledge that God has given to us. However, we only need to learn how to pull that knowledge out and use it on daily basis. For instance, in that article the author gives a story with Socrates where he takes one ordinary kid who had no education and by pulling his knowledge out, he showed everyone around that that kid knows geometry. Furthermore, Sydney Harris, in his article, writes his own experience with one student who thought he already knew everything. Here, Harris makes a point to that student by saying that, he just proved that he is sausage casing or a student who memorize facts.
These two metaphors show that students who are sausage casing are learning mostly by memorizing facts. However, there is another danger of doing this which is students won't keep that material in their minds for long. Learning things only for a grade or memorizing are not the best way to succeed. The more you learn as sausage casing, one day you can explode and forget all what you've learned before. Therefore, the good and beneficial way to learn is not only by reading from the book, but to think out of the box. To succeed this, students should be thinking from different perspectives while they learn and that would help them to come up with many new ideas.
Today, the new generation is called “Net Generation” or “Millennial.” Millennial students have various styles of learning than older generations and that involved a lot of technology. However, using electronic devises during classes could take students attention from the actual lecture and students could become lazy and that would affect their ability of learning.
Professors who teach in the universities don't share same opinions of what is the best way to teach students and make them learn easily. In the article “The Net Generation Goes to College”, written by Scott Carlson, there are two eminent persons with diverse perspectives. The university librarian at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Richard T. Sweeney states that students should be allowed to use electronic devises more often because, according to his analyses of what students have said, it helps them to learn faster. On the other hand, there is Naomi S. Baron who is a professor at American University who has opposite opinion of Sweeney. She is conventional and she states that by allowing students to use too much of technology, it won't help them learn. She supports her statement by giving an example that instead students to be focusing on the lecture, they are texting their friends. Likewise, she says the following: “We think that the students will come if we teach in a way that meets their expectations.” By saying this, she is warning the universities that that is not a right way to do it and by doing that they are only killing the higher education.
It is true that nowadays many students prefer to learn by using electronic devices, rather than to spend hours on finding the material from the books. The more we learn by using too much technology, the less we force ourselves to pull out the knowledge out of our brain. However, that means we have become depend on it and we are not encouraging ourselves to learn on our own, since we know that our “best friend”, Google could do that for us. I think students should not become too depend of the electronic devices when they study. I have to admit that I am quiet addicted in using my iPad or MacBook Pro a lot. Many times I don't even realize that I've spent hours on searching something, and yet, I haven't found what I've been looking for. Also there is another thing that takes away our attention of studying when we use internet. It is happening to many of students, including myself, while we are searching for some particular work, we will also come up with some other things that nothing has to do with the topic, and we will get stuck with it, instead of studying. It is necessary to use technology because it help students a lot to learn, but there has to be balance between. If students use often electronic devices during classes, it will take their attention away from the lecture, and they will not understand the lecture fully.
Another effective way to learn is to have a long attention span, which, in my opinion, it is important and would help students to develop their knowledge.
In the article “The Net Generation Goes to College”, the author is quoting professor Naomi Baron where she says that in our time, student definitely have short attention span. The main reason for it is because they are encouraged to use much media instead to be forced to think and come up with their own ideas. For instance, the technology had gone so far into the students brain that even they can not stand more then 10 or 15 minutes constantly to listen a lecture. The American University professor, Naomi Baron makes a point that millennial students are loosing their patience to sit down and focus of the lecture. The reason for it is because today the world is overwhelmed with many broadcaster informations, social media etc. Furthermore, she continues and says that because of all of these, the best professors' lectures in the eyes of the students are not interesting.
This is the result of how much the millennials are attracted by gadgets, so they limit their way of learning or another way to say they have lost their attention span. One of the many productive ways to learn is the ability of developing your own knowledge. In my opinion, this is important for a student to have because once you have patience you can spend more time on thinking and as a result you will come with bunch of good ideas or answers. The more you force yourself in learning something, the better student you would become.
Overall, students should extend their learning and pull out their knowledge from their brains . Memorizing the material could help, but not all the time, because if we study only for a grade, soon we would forget what we've learned. Also, today the world is overwhelmed of technology, and students should be wise and efficient of using it. It will help to a certain level, but it is not beneficial to use all the time. If they get addicted on using technology, they would not use their brains, and they won't force themselves, knowing that the computer would do the work for them.
 In my opinion, it is important for students to develop their knowledge. The benefit of it would be that they won't be like sausage casing which means being limited, but students would become open, and think from different perspectives.
   This is what I've learned for the pass two months in ALI (America Language Institute) in San Francisco State University. 
The memories would never die. Therefore, let these photographies testify for the summer course and for the friendship that we had in ALI in San Francisco State University.

Тој 29 Мај... беше почетокот на Семестарот.
That May 29th... it was just the beginning of the Semester.

Прекрасно беше да се учи со овие соученици од разни страни на планетата!
It was great to study with all of these classmates from different countries of the globe!

 Еден е Бијонсе а другиот  интервјуира :)
One is Bijonce and the other one is interviewing :)

Да знаев што значи ова, ќе изустев :) 
If I had known what does this mean, I would have said :)

Време е за селфи! 
Time for selfie!

Покрај учење, треба малку и социјализирање.
Besides studying, its time for socializing. 

Секој со свој совет до новите студенти во следниот Семестар!
Each of us with an advice on the board for the new ALI student in the next Semester!

Нека започне крајот...
Let the end begin...

Се вее ли македонското знаме над Голден Гејт мостот? 
Does Macedonian flag flies over the Golden Gate Bridge?

Уживавме во предавањата на Арон.
We've enjoyed in Aaron's classes.

Ајде сега, кој од каде е? 
Кореа и...
како еден од Македонија да е:)  
П.С Нели сите личат на Кинези? :)

Now, let's guess where these guys come from?
Tail end,
Korea and...
one of them seems is from Macedonia :)
P.S. Don't they look the same, as Chines? :) 

Во овие две битија ја видов чистата љубов!
In these two beings I saw the pure love!

Едниот е Арабјанин, но судејќи по тенот, другиот не личи како да е од Македонија. :-)
One is Saudi-an, but the other one, judging on his tan, does not look as he is from Macedonia. :)

Презентација за Бездомниците во САД.
Presentation about Homelessness on the U.S.

Многу благодарности на Троичниот Бог за оваа можност и ова двамесечно образование!
Many thanks to the Triune God for this opportunity and for this education!

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